Developing Empathy & Persona-Based Design

Leveraging User-Centricity with Targeted Identification and Validated Research for Improved UX Personalization

Chad Bercea
10 min readSep 23, 2023
Midjourney’s take on a design office displaying a key user “Persona”. Lmao.

Suppose you’ve ever broken up with a guidebook because it was too monotonous, or a website terminated your browsing session because it was pathetically confusing. Congratulations. In that case, you’ve just experienced bad UX. Assuming you are asking, “Wait, UX? What’s that?” Well, I am glad you did! UX or User Experience (ooh, fancy!) separates a mind-numbing date with a design from a riveting roller-coaster ride. But here’s a fun revelation: The most killer UX designs aren’t born by plopping a nerdy tech guy in front of a computer. Oh no, sir, it involves detective work, stellar creativity, and a dollop of empathy. Remember empathy? That thing we needed while convincing our math teacher that we genuinely forgot our homework and it wasn’t an excuse to escape torturous math problems. Yes, that empathy! It’s about understanding and addressing users’ needs by putting ourselves in their shoes. And here comes the Superhero of UX Design Land: Personas! No, not the Spanish opaque theater masks. Persona-driven design recommends (rather loudly) that we burst our bubbles and become our users. As scary as that sounds, personas help designers lose their biases and think from the perspective of actual users. Yes, it’s like Problem-solving meets Acting sans the psychotic Hamlet monologues. So where’s the fun in that? When the design is user-centric, it’s like throwing a party everyone wants to attend. A more personalized, engaging, and intuitive design translates into a happier user, which further means a more successful product. And a bit of confetti shower never hurt anyone, right? So buckle up, folks; let’s drive onto the highway of empathy and user-centricity because that’s where the real fun begins!

The Art of Crafting Personas

So you’ve realized empathy is the secret sauce to killer design and are now chanting the persona-driven design mantra. Great! Buckle up as we sail through the mystical (and often messy) art of crafting personas. It’s like hosting a party for people who don’t exist–complete with their quirks, cheesy jokes, and even bizarre shoe sizes! Speaking of oddities, let’s dive into the fancy 10-step process to create engaging personas: a melting pot of data, suppositions, sarcasm, tears, laughter, and more data. First off, there’s data collection. Look around like a detective on caffeine, gathering everything about your users, from their affinity for pineapple pizza to their ever-lasting love for cheesy movies. You then create hypotheses like, “Users who love pineapple on pizza likely enjoy mild intellectual torture,” but that’s for another day. Now, everyone needs to accept the hypothesis, and folks who don’t will be sentenced to enjoy pineapple pizza, no clemency! Next, decide on a magical number of personas. This is after heated debates, endless coffee pots, and several near-existential crises. Afterward, you’re tasked with describing these personas, creating an aura of understanding and empathy akin to figuring out why cats are obsessed with boxes. Things really get fun when you add quirky details to your personas. No, not just the typical “Likes long walks on the beach” type of deal; we mean quirks like, “Enjoys pineapple on pizza while wearing fuzzy socks and reciting Shakespearean sonnets”.

The zanier, the better! Now, let’s sprinkle some humor and sarcasm into these personalities. Meet Jake, a vegan cowboy traveling from farm to farm, fixing bugs while fighting off cattle rustlers. Or Melissa, proudly possessing an unhealthy obsession for olives and known to leave scathing reviews on olive oil brands– an absolute riot at dinner parties! Persona creation demands an Oscar-worthy performance of creativity, data, and humor. It’s about bringing emotional depth to stereotypes, turning just another daily user into a Jake or a Melissa to aid in forming a deeper connection with your designs. Because, let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to design for a vegan cowboy or an obsessive olive enthusiast? We might need to figure out optimal rustler-fighting workflows or predict olive supply chain breakdowns. It’s all in a day’s work! So, as you enter the realm of empathetic development, scrape data, spice it up with humor and quirky details, and let it simmer until you see unforgettable personas taking shape!

Busting Myths Around Personas

Ah, personas, the lonely hearts column of the design world. You’ve embraced them wholeheartedly in your project, or you regard them with the same seriousness as a dating app profile. “Caring, empathetic UX designer seeks well-rounded, interesting user persona for a meaningful relationship and mutual growth.” First, address the elephant in the room: traditional personas are as helpful as a chocolate teapot. There, we said it. Who hasn’t shaken their heads in disbelief at a clumsily crafted persona so packed with generalizations that they may as well be a caricature? “Meet Joe. He’s 35, loves dogs, hates Mondays, and is paradoxically excited about that presentation software you’re designing”. It sounds more like we’re designing for Garfield. The problem with traditional personas is that they’re ensnared in the trap that Shakespeare prodded fun at centuries ago — “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts.” Right you are, Bill! We’re complex beings not neatly defined by a single trait or preference. Sorry, Joe, we didn’t mean to stereotype you there, buddy.

The best part about debunking myths around personas is the free rein it gives us to wield our most vital weapon — humor. Picture this scenario: You’re caught in a spirited debate with a design traditionalist who argues with great, hallowed passion that personas are the be-all and end-all. Your rebuttal? You channel your inner stand-up comedian and shoot back, “Yep, and eyes are the windows to the soul until you need prescription glasses!” The undeniable hilarity aside, the point is that personas, like vision, need tweaking, refining, and more than just a cursory understanding of users. They’re just one of the many tools in a UX designer’s toolbox, not the magical artifact of omnipotence. Our beloved design traditionalists might not appreciate the wit. However, the rest of the room will relish the moment! It’s easy to bash and toss personas into the can with yesterday’s coffee grounds. But let’s park the cynicism here for a moment. The truth is, personas have their strengths too. They can be loud amplifiers of user voices, magnifying their goals, motivations, and needs into actionable insights for designers. Working with personas enables us to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes,” as it were, fostering more profound understanding and empathy. So, for all their flaws and the moments of mirth and head-shaking they gave us, let’s give personas another chance. We may have to grit our teeth through absurdly generalized descriptors now and then. However, in the grand scheme of things, a little hilarity is a small price to pay for the potential benefits these quirky, paradoxical, laughably flawed, and abundantly interesting personas can bring to our design world. I can’t argue with that, now, can we?

Putting Personas to Work

What a marvelous world we live in, where we can brew coffee by speaking to a machine and make friends with people across the globe without moving an inch. As designers, we harness this power, giving birth to products that mirror humanity itself, encapsulating the essence of being human on a screen. Great, right? Now, if we could only figure out what that sense of human-ness is… It’s almost like going on a blind date, isn’t it? How do you design for someone you’ve never met? Close your eyes and think of your favorite user…nothing comes to mind, right? Let’s new try your besties, the Personas. They give us a face, a voice, and sometimes, even a backstory! They might not share real coffee with you, but they sure will spill the beans on what our users want.

Creating empathy-driven scenarios is like directing your very own blockbuster movie. But instead of Hollywood stars, we have our personas as lead characters, and boy, do they bring some drama! Imagine ‘John,’ your early-thirties, tech-junkie persona, trying to navigate your app while skydiving. Adrenaline-fueled, hair-raising user experience (UX), right? But here comes the plot twist: John is color-blind. Suddenly, your colorful app interface looks like a grey blob from some abstract art exhibition! Audience retained?

Not at all. Remember, the devil’s in the details, folks! But wait, there’s more. As we dive deeper into the persona-driven design, we come across multiple Johns: John the tech-junkie, John the color-blind, and God knows, there could be a John the Alien! And guess what? You must design for all these Johns, tailoring them to their unique quirks and needs. You see, it’s just like dressing a salad. You can’t throw random ingredients together and expect a Michelin star masterpiece! Are you a team? Awesome. Did you skip the ‘involving the team’ part? Not so awesome. Your personas and scenarios are abstract concepts, best visualized as a crazy wall with strings connecting to sticky notes (you might have seen it in detective movies — or a designer’s room). Your team needs to be let in on this madness, not just to ensure everyone is on the same page but to add more strings, sticky notes, and more madness! If it were a perfect world, every time you take your personas out of the closet, give them a little dust-off, and put them to work, the universe rewards you with a standing ovation. But in reality, there’s a lot of trial and error and no small amount of hair-pulling involved — maybe enough to make a fur coat! Now, aren’t you excited for the next chapter? Stay tuned to know what kind of fur coat we end up with!

Measuring the Impact of Empathetic Design

Let’s dive right into the great debate: can we measure the impact of empathetic design and persona-driven goodness in our product design endeavors? Hands up if you’re as excited as I am to take this journey down the rabbit hole! Trust me; we can quantify these squishy bits of human emotion and turn them into cold, complex data. Grab your lab coats, and let’s go! First, quantifying the influence of personas — because who doesn’t love a good number crunch? To do this, imagine you have an empathy meter (patent pending). We’re talking about measuring the number of “aha!” moments designers have when they utilize personas to create human-centric designs. Sure, this might not be an exact science. However, you must admit, it’s pretty cool to turn those empathy-triggering persona stories into genuine motivation and creative sparks. So, let’s call it the “Empathy-to-Brilliant-Idea Ratio”… Catchy, right? Let’s assess user experience improvements — because that’s precisely why we’re all here, right? The goal is to delight users like those quirky personas we labored over. To track these delightful moments, try using conversion rates, customer satisfaction scores, and maybe even a “WOAH!” count (you know, that audible exclamation of sheer appreciation when the product does precisely what our persona hoped for). It’s like an adorable little cupcake of satisfaction for our designer souls. Yum! Last but certainly not least, let’s discuss the impact of empathetic design on the overall design process. This is where we identify those moments when the design team collectively shouts, “Eureka!” because they’ve discovered the hidden truth about their target users. When everyone in the room is vibing through the power of empathy, the entire design process starts resembling a harmonious symphony of user-centered creativity. So there you have it — a quick, qualified romp through the magical world of measuring the impact of empathetic design and persona-driven methodologies. While science might still keep us waiting on the perfect date for this empathy-driven approach, we can’t deny that the results we’ve seen in practice are magical. The proof is in the pudding (or, more precisely, in the delightful user experiences and overall harmonious design journeys). So, let’s keep exploring this fascinating world where fictional personas become the catalyst for real-life product successes — because it’s all about truly understanding and designing for the humans behind our screens.

Real-Life Examples and Success Stories

Ah, here we go! It’s time to talk about those magical moments when our beloved personas did more than sip coffee off our design tables (Pro-tip: keep your design sketches away from coffee, especially when Larry the Lazy Persona is on a caffeine binge). Imagine the persona-driven design as a superhero movie, and our personas are the caped crusaders fighting to make the UX a better place. Boom! Bam! Pow! You might recall when Google designed its Gmail interface. Based on ‘Techie Trevor’s’ needs to organize a battalion of emails, labels and filters were introduced.

A spectacular climax where our superhero’s needs were satisfied; they remembered to stay user-centric. Then there was the famous case of Netflix — oh boy, what a blockbuster! Drawing from ‘Chill Charlie,’ they identified Charlie’s insatiable need to consume thrilling content around the clock. Customization hit an all-time high as recommendations became more tailored, beautifully echoing Charlie’s love for alien rom-coms. That reminds me of the classic underdog tale featuring our beloved Persona Phoebe, who got YouTube to introduce ‘Pause watching history’ when cheeky family members pranked her by watching ‘how to twerk’ videos on her account. A key takeaway from these epic tales? The UX galaxy is yours to conquer when we keep user-centricity as your compass and the personas as your trusty sidekicks. So, dear fellow UX designers, it’s time to put on your capes or bathrobes, whatever you fancy!


Reflecting on the whirlwind of emotion and user-centric goodness, it’s crystal clear that empathy and personas are like the Batman and Robin of UX design. Together, they unlock a world of enhanced customization, almost like they have magical powers. As we venture into quirky personas and fitting humor, let’s remember how essential it is to involve the entire team. After all, nothing makes the dream work quite like teamwork. So, with these power-packed tips, charge into the ever-evolving landscape of persona-driven design on your valiant quest for enhanced UX customization. And remember, laughter is the best (design) medicine.



Chad Bercea
Chad Bercea

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